Curriculum Vitae

Face Photo

Statnik Aurel

Date of birth: 05.10.2000

mob. 069 527 043
Romanian and Russian – Native
English – Very good command
Tools & Technologies
Mobile Development
React Native, JavaScript, Redux-Saga, Redux Toolkit, Flutter, Firebase TypeScript, Expo, Axios, Native Base, React Native Paper, React Native Reanimated, Lottie, Moti

Frontend Development
Angular 2, TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap

Backend Development
Java, SQL, Postman
Industry knowledge
Agile & Waterfall Methodologies, OOP, Design Patterns
SOLID, DRY, KISS, TDD, Clean code concepts
Version Control, REST APIs, Jira

21.05.2021 – Present
React Native Developer

"Amigo Studio", Chisinau, Moldova,


1. BizRadar (iOS/Android)

  • Contributed to the development and management of the "Comunitatea virtuală a oamenilor de afaceri din Moldova" (Virtual Business Community of Moldova), a government-initiated project aimed at facilitating interaction between the business community and government entities;
  • Led the creation of four distinct user profiles to tailor the user experience;
  • Implemented push notifications to enhance user engagement and keep stakeholders informed;
  • Successfully integrated multi-language support to accommodate a diverse user base;
  • Designed and implemented survey functionality, presenting survey results in graphical formats;
  • Writing scalable and testable code;
  • Collecting user reviews and ratings of all institutions in the Republic of Moldova, thereby helping to create comprehensive performance assessments;
  • Utilized the factory method to dynamically generate content based on input data for news updates.


  • The app was developed using class-based components
  • JavaScript
  • Redux-Saga
  • Expo

2. Taskeer (iOS/Android)

  • Implemented a language selection feature allowing users to choose their preferred interface language;
  • Designed the user interface with the capability to switch between light and dark modes for enhanced usability in different lighting conditions;
  • Developed a notification system within the app, enabling users to receive timely reminders for tasks and events;
  • Created functionality that allows users to use the application in offline mode, ensuring local data storage and the availability of essential features without an internet connection;
  • Developing and writing unit tests for auxiliary functions that accurately test their functionality and ensure the reliability and correctness of the code;
  • App is supported for tablets also.


  • The app was developed using class-based components.
  • JavaScript
  • Redux-Saga
  • Expo
  • Native Base

3. HD-PRO (iOS/Android)

  • Implemented a language selection feature allowing users to choose their preferred interface language;
  • Developed a notification system within the app, enabling users to receive timely reminders for tasks and events;
  • Created functionality that allows users to use the application in offline mode, ensuring local data storage and the availability of essential features without an internet connection;
  • Developing and writing unit tests for auxiliary functions that accurately test their functionality and ensure the reliability and correctness of the code;
  • App is supported for tablets also;
  • Manipulate the image sizes and quality for the best user experience and performance of the app;
  • Provided comprehensive training to the new developer on React Native, covering essential concepts and best practices;
  • Conducted regular code reviews to assess the quality of code, adherence to coding standards, and identify areas for improvement;
  • Tested the functionality developed by the new developer to ensure it met project requirements and maintained overall application integrity;
  • Offered guidance and constructive feedback to help the developer improve their coding skills and efficiency;
  • Educated the developer on proper Git commit conventions and encouraged consistent and informative commit messages;
  • Instructed the developer on using Postman for API testing and how to design and execute API requests effectively;
  • Taught best practices for software development, including code organization, project structure, and performance optimization;
  • Assisted in problem-solving and troubleshooting, helping the developer overcome challenges and roadblocks.


  • The app was developed using functional-based components.
  • TypeScript
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Expo
  • React Native Paper

I have also been involved in various projects that are subject to commercial confidentiality, which prevents me from disclosing specific details. However, in addition to the responsibilities mentioned above, I have experience in the following areas:

  • Proficient in implementing audio recording and playback functionality, ensuring seamless and high-quality user experiences. Demonstrated ability to integrate audio features into applications for various use cases;
  • Adept at integrating photo and video capture capabilities within applications. Successfully developed solutions that empower users to capture and manage multimedia content, enhancing overall app functionality;
  • Experienced in implementing robust map functionality, enabling users to access location-based services and features. Skilled in integrating maps, geolocation, and navigation to enhance user interaction and information retrieval;
  • I have experience in crafting a wide range of animations, primarily focusing on those of low to medium complexity. While I haven't ventured into highly complex animations, my skills are well-honed in creating engaging and visually appealing animations that enhance user interfaces and interactions. My animations are designed to provide a seamless and delightful user experience, contributing positively to the overall app or website design;
  • Employed various techniques to optimize application performance, resulting in faster load times and smoother user experiences;
  • End-to-End Release Management: Proficient in handling the entire release process of applications on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, ensuring a smooth and error-free deployment;
  • Submission and Compliance: Adept at preparing and submitting applications, adhering to platform-specific guidelines, and addressing any compliance requirements, resulting in successful app listings.

The are areas in which I haven't had the opportunity to work.

  • Although my experience includes various offline applications, I have yet to work extensively on super-complex offline applications. I'm eager to embrace challenging projects that involve intricate offline functionality;
  • I have not had the opportunity to work on chat systems in my previous projects. I look forward to the chance to develop and integrate real-time chat features into applications, enhancing user communication and engagement;
  • My previous projects have primarily been non-commercial in nature, and thus, I have not incorporated payment functionality. I am keen to expand my skill set by integrating payment gateways and enabling secure transactions within applications;
  • Additionally, I haven't had the opportunity to work with AI APIs or implement Augmented Reality (AR) in applications. I'm enthusiastic about exploring these innovative technologies and incorporating them into future projects to enhance user experiences and functionality.
01.09.2020 – 21.05.2021
React Native Developer

"IT Smart Systems", Chisinau, Moldova,

General tasks:

  • Responsible for the development of features of medium or high complexity;
  • Identification and correction of functionality errors;
  • Tracking and implementing quality and code writing standards;
  • Following and applying the principles of OOP in development;
  • Searching for information about non-functional requirements and tracking in development;
  • Testing developments made in terms of both functional and non-functional requirements;
  • Writing scalable and testable code;
  • Sending the code to code review;
  • Exploring and evaluating new technologies and optimizing development processes;
  • Ongoing collaboration with the creative team to ensure achievement of objectives;
01.08.2019 – 01.09.2020
Front-End Developer

"IT Smart Systems", Chisinau, Moldova,

General tasks:

  • Responsible for the development of small or medium complexity features;
  • Identification and correction of functionality errors;
  • Following and applying the principles of OOP in development;
  • Testing developments made in terms of both functional and non-functional requirements;
  • Evaluation and realization of Front-end projects and their optimization for different environments, resolutions and browsers;
  • Searching for information about non-functional requirements and tracking in development;
  • Follow the code writing guidelines to write scalable and testable code;
  • Sending the code to code review;
  • Ongoing collaboration with the creative team to ensure achievement of objectives;

01.09.2018 – 31.05.2023
University degree in Information and Communication Technologies

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chisinau,

  • Positive thinking, personal organization, communicative, desire and ability to learn new things
  • Running, reading programming books